Who We Are

Professional intimacy practice for screen requires clear and concise protocols detailing the engagement of intimacy professionals in accordance with a production. ‘The Intimacy Lab’ provides services of skilled intimacy coordinators, choreographers, and coaches – professionals who help performers and productions navigate these highly sensitive scenes – throughout the entire film-making process. 

Founded in 2020 by India’s first certified intimacy coordinator, Aastha Khanna, ‘The Intimacy Lab’ aims to assist and protect members of the entertainment industry through guidelines for protected and equitable workplaces, a BRAVE SPACE which upholds respect, harassment prevention and consent-based interactions for scenes involving nudity, intimacy, simulated sex and sexual violence.

We aim to train and build an industry of intimacy professionals who can then take on any challenge to make telling stories safer, more authentic and efficient for the industry of visual media, film and television creators.

We aim to continue a dialogue with industry stakeholders who will be willing to take up a shared responsibility to unequivocally condemn discomfort or harassment faced by performers and problems encountered by filmmakers. We also aim to further support the scope of freedom within a directors’ vision to realise their story as best as possible with all moving parts of the process upholding best practices. The Intimacy Lab, in association with India’s community of intimacy professionals in entertainment The Intimacy Collective, endeavours to accelerate a culture shift within the entertainment industry and the world we live in to be a more conscious place where utmost value is given to safety and consent.

Founder, Aastha Khanna